Hi erstwhile readers, sorry for the lite posting as of late, but parenting and work have kept me hella busy for the last few weeks, and I've had trouble finding spare time to oblige.
That being said, they let us out of work at 4 today to get an early start to the weekend and start it I have. Just picked up a six pack of Guinness, and two racks of St. Louis cut pork ribs for bbq'ing on sunday (six pack is for now, yah!), so I am ready to start the weekend right!
Tomorrow I will upload some photo's to the blog of The Little Guy for your viewing pleasure, and also to make room on my camera for the festivities on Sunday (nothing big, just a few freinds over for ribs, beer, and playing Nintendo Wii, my latest video game obsession). Do you have plans? If not, stop by the attic and enjoy a slow smoked rib or two, and I'll even spot you a beer, cuz I'm cool like that!